Advanced Disposal Holiday Schedule 2024

Managing waste disposal can be a challenge, especially during holidays when schedules may vary. If you rely on Advanced Disposal services, it’s important to stay informed about their holiday schedule to ensure uninterrupted waste collection and avoid inconvenience. This informative article provides a comprehensive overview of Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule for 2024, helping you plan accordingly and stay on top of your waste management needs.

Advanced Disposal, a leading waste management company, serves numerous customers across various regions. To accommodate holiday observances and ensure employee well-being, the company observes specific holidays throughout the year. During these holidays, regular waste collection services may be affected or suspended. Understanding the holiday schedule allows you to adjust your waste disposal routine accordingly and make necessary arrangements to prevent waste accumulation.

Knowing Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule for 2024 empowers you to plan ahead and avoid potential disruptions to your waste disposal routine. The following section provides a detailed list of holidays observed by Advanced Disposal in 2024, along with important information regarding service availability and any potential schedule adjustments. This will help you stay informed and make informed decisions about waste management during these periods.

Advanced Disposal Holiday Schedule 2024

Stay informed, plan ahead:

  • Know holiday closures
  • Check local schedules
  • Adjust waste disposal routine
  • Avoid waste accumulation
  • Dispose of waste responsibly
  • Contact Advanced Disposal
  • Alternative waste management
  • Stay updated

By following these points, you can ensure a smooth and uninterrupted waste disposal experience during Advanced Disposal’s holiday closures in 2024.

Know holiday closures

Advanced Disposal observes specific holidays throughout the year, during which regular waste collection services may be affected or suspended. To avoid disruptions and ensure a smooth waste disposal experience, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the company’s holiday closures for 2024:

  • New Year’s Day:

    January 1st, 2024

  • Memorial Day:

    May 27th, 2024

  • Independence Day:

    July 4th, 2024

  • Labor Day:

    September 2nd, 2024

These are some of the major holidays when Advanced Disposal’s services may be impacted. It’s important to note that the holiday schedule may vary depending on your specific location and service area. Therefore, it’s advisable to check with your local Advanced Disposal office or consult their website for the most accurate and up-to-date holiday closure information.

Check local schedules

While the holiday closures mentioned earlier provide a general overview of Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule for 2024, it’s important to note that the specific schedule may vary depending on your location and service area. To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, it’s highly recommended to check with your local Advanced Disposal office or visit their website.

Here’s how you can check your local Advanced Disposal holiday schedule:

  1. Visit Advanced Disposal’s website:
    Navigate to Advanced Disposal’s official website and look for the section or page dedicated to holiday schedules. There, you can find a list of holidays observed by the company, as well as any special instructions or service adjustments related to those holidays.
  2. Contact your local Advanced Disposal office:
    Locate the phone number or email address of your local Advanced Disposal office and get in touch with their customer service representatives. They can provide you with detailed information about the holiday schedule in your specific area and answer any questions you may have.
  3. Check community calendars or local news:
    Local community calendars and news outlets often publish information about holiday schedules and service disruptions. Keep an eye on these sources to stay informed about any changes or updates to Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule in your area.
  4. Sign up for Advanced Disposal’s notifications:
    If Advanced Disposal offers a notification service, consider signing up to receive alerts and updates about schedule changes, service disruptions, and other important information related to waste collection in your area.

By checking your local Advanced Disposal holiday schedule, you can plan accordingly and adjust your waste disposal routine to avoid disruptions and ensure a smooth waste management experience throughout the year.

Adjust waste disposal routine

Once you know the Advanced Disposal holiday schedule for 2024 and have checked your local schedule for any variations, it’s time to adjust your waste disposal routine accordingly to avoid disruptions and maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Here are some tips for adjusting your waste disposal routine:

  1. Plan ahead:
    Review the holiday schedule and identify the days when Advanced Disposal services will be affected. Plan your waste disposal activities around these dates to ensure that your waste is disposed of properly and on time.
  2. Dispose of waste early:
    To avoid waste accumulation during holiday periods, make an effort to dispose of your waste early. Put out your trash and recycling bins a day or two before the scheduled collection day to ensure that it’s collected before the holiday.
  3. Reduce waste generation:
    During the holidays, it’s common to generate more waste due to increased consumption and gift wrapping. Try to reduce waste generation by being mindful of your purchases, using reusable items, and composting organic waste.
  4. Find alternative waste disposal options:
    If Advanced Disposal services are suspended or significantly delayed during a holiday, consider alternative waste disposal options. You may be able to take your waste to a nearby drop-off location or use a different waste collection service.

By adjusting your waste disposal routine and taking these steps, you can minimize the impact of holiday closures on your waste management and ensure a clean and healthy environment for your community.

Avoid waste accumulation

Waste accumulation can lead to unpleasant odors, attract pests, and pose health and environmental risks. During holiday periods, when waste collection services may be affected, it’s crucial to take steps to avoid waste accumulation and maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Here are some tips to avoid waste accumulation during Advanced Disposal holiday closures in 2024:

  1. Reduce waste generation:
    One of the best ways to avoid waste accumulation is to reduce waste generation in the first place. Be mindful of your purchases, avoid single-use items, and compost organic waste. By reducing the amount of waste you produce, you can significantly decrease the risk of accumulation.
  2. Store waste properly:
    If you have waste that cannot be disposed of before a holiday closure, ensure that it is stored properly to prevent odors, pests, and other problems. Use airtight containers, tie trash bags securely, and keep waste in a cool, dry place until collection services resume.
  3. Utilize recycling and composting programs:
    Recycling and composting can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. If your community offers recycling and composting programs, take advantage of them to divert recyclable and compostable materials from your trash.
  4. Dispose of bulky items responsibly:
    Bulky items, such as furniture and appliances, require special disposal methods. If you have bulky items to dispose of during a holiday closure, contact your local Advanced Disposal office or check their website for information on how to properly dispose of these items.

By following these tips, you can effectively avoid waste accumulation during Advanced Disposal holiday closures and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Dispose of waste responsibly

Proper waste disposal is essential for protecting the environment and public health. During Advanced Disposal holiday closures in 2024, it’s important to dispose of waste responsibly to prevent illegal dumping and other harmful practices.

Here are some tips for disposing of waste responsibly during holiday closures:

  1. Use designated waste disposal facilities:
    Locate the nearest waste disposal facility or transfer station that is open during the holiday period. Properly dispose of your waste at these designated facilities to ensure it is handled and processed correctly.
  2. Avoid illegal dumping:
    Illegal dumping is a serious environmental crime that can harm ecosystems and pose health risks. Never dispose of waste on roadsides, in waterways, or on other unauthorized locations. If you are caught illegally dumping, you may face legal consequences.
  3. Recycle and compost whenever possible:
    Recycling and composting are responsible ways to dispose of waste and reduce the amount of material sent to landfills. If your community offers recycling and composting programs, take advantage of them to properly dispose of recyclable and compostable materials.
  4. Dispose of hazardous waste safely:
    Hazardous waste, such as batteries, electronics, and chemicals, requires special disposal methods. Do not dispose of hazardous waste in your regular trash or recycling bins. Contact your local Advanced Disposal office or check their website for information on how to properly dispose of hazardous waste.

By disposing of waste responsibly during Advanced Disposal holiday closures, you can help protect the environment, prevent illegal dumping, and contribute to a cleaner and healthier community.

Contact Advanced Disposal

If you have questions or concerns about Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule, service availability, or waste disposal options during holiday closures, you can directly contact the company through various channels:

  • Customer service hotline:

    Locate the phone number for Advanced Disposal’s customer service hotline and call during their regular business hours. Representatives will be available to answer your questions and provide assistance related to holiday schedules and waste disposal services.

  • Local Advanced Disposal office:

    Visit the Advanced Disposal office in your area during their business hours. You can speak with a customer service representative in person, inquire about holiday closures, and obtain information about alternative waste disposal options.

  • Advanced Disposal website:

    Advanced Disposal’s official website often has a section dedicated to holiday schedules and service updates. Check the website for the most up-to-date information, including any changes or adjustments to the holiday schedule.

  • Social media platforms:

    Advanced Disposal may have social media accounts on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Follow their social media pages to receive updates, announcements, and reminders about holiday closures and service disruptions.

By contacting Advanced Disposal through these channels, you can clarify any doubts, obtain accurate information, and ensure that your waste disposal needs are met even during holiday periods.

Alternative waste management

If you find yourself with waste that needs to be disposed of during an Advanced Disposal holiday closure, consider these alternative waste management options to ensure proper disposal and minimize the impact on the environment:

  • Drop-off locations:

    Some waste management companies or local governments may have designated drop-off locations where you can take your waste during holiday closures. Check with your local authorities or waste management providers to find the nearest drop-off location.

  • Community recycling centers:

    Community recycling centers often accept various recyclable materials, including paper, plastic, metal, and glass. If you have recyclable items, consider taking them to a recycling center during the holiday closure to properly dispose of them.

  • Composting:

    If you have organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, consider composting it at home. Composting is a natural process that breaks down organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. You can create a compost pile or use a compost bin to compost your organic waste.

  • Temporary storage:

    If you have limited waste that cannot be disposed of immediately, consider storing it temporarily until regular collection services resume. Ensure that the waste is stored securely and properly to prevent odors, pests, and other problems.

By exploring these alternative waste management options, you can effectively manage your waste during Advanced Disposal holiday closures and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Stay updated

To ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule and any potential changes or adjustments, consider the following tips:

  • Monitor Advanced Disposal’s website:

    Regularly visit Advanced Disposal’s official website to check for updates, announcements, and any changes to their holiday schedule. The website often has a dedicated section or page where they communicate important information related to holiday closures and service disruptions.

  • Sign up for email or text alerts:

    If Advanced Disposal offers an email or text alert service, sign up to receive notifications and reminders about holiday closures and service adjustments. This way, you can stay informed and make necessary arrangements for waste disposal during these periods.

  • Follow Advanced Disposal on social media:

    Follow Advanced Disposal’s social media accounts on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Social media platforms are often used to share timely updates, announcements, and reminders about holiday closures and service disruptions. Stay connected on social media to receive the latest information.

  • Contact your local Advanced Disposal office:

    Get in touch with your local Advanced Disposal office via phone call or email. Customer service representatives can provide you with specific information about the holiday schedule in your area and answer any questions you may have regarding waste disposal during holiday closures.

By staying updated through these channels, you can remain informed about Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule and any changes or adjustments, ensuring that your waste disposal needs are met throughout the year.


To provide further clarity and address common questions regarding Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule in 2024, here’s a comprehensive FAQ section:

Question 1: What are the major holidays when Advanced Disposal services may be affected in 2024?
Answer 1: Advanced Disposal observes several holidays throughout the year when regular waste collection services may be affected. These holidays include New Year’s Day (January 1st), Memorial Day (May 27th), Independence Day (July 4th), and Labor Day (September 2nd), among others.

Question 2: How can I find out the exact holiday schedule for my specific location?
Answer 2: To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date holiday schedule for your specific location, we recommend checking Advanced Disposal’s official website, contacting your local Advanced Disposal office, or utilizing their customer service hotline.

Question 3: What should I do if my regular collection day falls on a holiday?
Answer 3: If your regular collection day coincides with a holiday, Advanced Disposal may adjust the collection schedule. Please check with your local Advanced Disposal office or refer to their website for information on any schedule adjustments or alternative arrangements.

Question 4: Can I dispose of waste at Advanced Disposal facilities during holiday closures?
Answer 4: During holiday closures, Advanced Disposal facilities may have limited operating hours or may be closed entirely. It’s advisable to check their website or contact your local office to confirm their holiday hours and procedures for waste disposal.

Question 5: What are some alternative waste management options during Advanced Disposal holiday closures?
Answer 5: If regular collection services are unavailable due to holiday closures, consider alternative waste management options such as using drop-off locations, community recycling centers, composting organic waste, or temporarily storing waste until regular services resume.

Question 6: How can I stay informed about any changes or updates to Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule?
Answer 6: To stay updated on any changes or adjustments to Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule, regularly visit their website, sign up for email or text alerts, follow their social media accounts, or contact your local Advanced Disposal office.

Question 7: What if I have additional questions or concerns about Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule?
Answer 7: If you have further questions or concerns regarding Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule or waste disposal during holiday periods, don’t hesitate to reach out to their customer service representatives through the phone number provided on their website or by visiting your local Advanced Disposal office.

We hope this FAQ section has provided you with valuable information and answers to your questions. For any additional inquiries or clarifications, please feel free to contact Advanced Disposal directly.

Now that you have a better understanding of Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule in 2024, let’s explore some tips to help you manage your waste disposal effectively during these periods.


To help you effectively manage your waste disposal during Advanced Disposal’s holiday closures in 2024, consider these practical tips:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:
Review Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule and identify the days when regular collection services may be affected. Plan your waste disposal activities accordingly to ensure that your waste is disposed of properly and on time.

Tip 2: Dispose of Waste Early:
To avoid waste accumulation during holiday periods, make an effort to dispose of your waste early. Put out your trash and recycling bins a day or two before the scheduled collection day to ensure that it’s collected before the holiday.

Tip 3: Reduce Waste Generation:
During the holidays, it’s common to generate more waste due to increased consumption and gift wrapping. Try to reduce waste generation by being mindful of your purchases, using reusable items, and composting organic waste.

Tip 4: Explore Alternative Waste Disposal Options:
If Advanced Disposal services are suspended or significantly delayed during a holiday, consider alternative waste disposal options. You may be able to take your waste to a nearby drop-off location, utilize community recycling centers, or temporarily store waste until regular collection services resume.

By following these tips, you can effectively manage your waste disposal during Advanced Disposal holiday closures, minimize the impact on the environment, and ensure a clean and healthy community.

By planning ahead, disposing of waste early, reducing waste generation, and exploring alternative waste disposal options, you can navigate Advanced Disposal’s holiday closures in 2024 smoothly and responsibly.


As we approach 2024, it’s essential to stay informed about Advanced Disposal’s holiday schedule to ensure uninterrupted waste disposal services. By knowing the holiday closures, checking local schedules, adjusting your waste disposal routine, and avoiding waste accumulation, you can effectively manage your waste during these periods.

Remember to dispose of waste responsibly, explore alternative waste management options if necessary, and stay updated on any changes or adjustments to the holiday schedule. By working together, we can maintain a clean and healthy environment for our communities.

Advanced Disposal’s commitment to providing reliable waste disposal services extends beyond regular collection days. Their holiday schedule is designed to balance employee well-being with the needs of their customers. By planning ahead and following the tips provided in this article, you can contribute to a smooth and efficient waste management process during the holiday season.

We encourage you to take an active role in responsible waste disposal, not just during holidays but throughout the year. By reducing waste generation, recycling, and composting, we can collectively make a positive impact on the environment and our communities.

Thank you for choosing Advanced Disposal as your waste management partner. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to proper waste disposal practices. Together, let’s work towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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